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Alberta Government Grants for Security Training

Writer: AndreaAndrea

We've all seen a rise in crime over the last few years. The Alberta government has noticed it too. They have made two grants available now to assist in training Alberta's workforce, specifically in security, to meet this need. If you need financial assistance in training your staff or future staff in security and other related training, take a look at these two grants!

  • This grant is for all Alberta employers to help employees and future employees (unemployed Albertans) get access to training.

  • Grant amount: Employer pays 1/3 of the costs, and the AB government covers 2/3 of the costs ($10,000 for employed or $15,000 for unemployed Albertans)

  • Available to: private companies, non-profit organizations, Indigenous and Metis Nations

  • Covers: tuition, books, exams, instructor's travel expenses

  • Requirements: training must be at least 21 hours and provide a certificate. Training must also start within 6 months of receiving approval and be completed within 12 months of approval.

Tip of Spear's training qualifies for this training! Please contact us to discuss a strategy for applying for this grant.

Tip of Spear's training qualifies for this training! Please contact us to discuss a strategy for applying for this grant.

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