So perhaps you're looking into law enforcement, but not sure if policing is for you. Maybe security doesn't quite feel like the right fit either. And it's too hard to get in to the peace officer training. So what else can you do?
The other option to consider is a Municipal Bylaw Enforcement Officer position.
What is a Municipal Bylaw Officer?
In Alberta, Municipal Bylaw Officers are given authorities by the municipality that hires them to enforce all municipal bylaws. The municipality you work for might be either a city, town or county. The municipal bylaws might include: business licences, animal control, parking, loitering, smoking and more depending on your municipality. Typically your job would be to issue tickets for violations of these bylaws. Bylaw officers work alongside other law enforcement officers, such as municipal police, RCMP, and peace officers.

How do I become a Bylaw Officer?
This job is not provincially regulated and there is no mandated training. Most training is done by the municipality itself for their own staff. However, if this is a career that you would like to get into, we highly recommend the following training so you feel equipped and ready to handle the challenging situations ahead:
Alberta Basic Security Training - you don't need your security services licence, however it's better to have it (or at least take the training) and it will set you apart from the other candidates who are also applying for the job. It will also educate you on the basics of the job, such as patrolling, report writing, laws, and basic communication.
Tactical Communications - because you will be enforcing bylaws with the general public, you need to know how to do so that the situation doesn't escalate. Learn the authorities of your specific job, how to gain cooperative compliance with our communications framework, and keep everyone safe with basic self-defence.
Personal Risk Recognition & Response - you will be encountering all types of situations and people. Learn how to heighten your awareness, recognize pre-risk indicator behaviours, and mitigative measures to stay safe.
Not only will these courses keep you safe, but they will set you apart from the rest of the candidates and show the employer that you already have the basic skillsets to succeed on the job.

If you are a municipality in Alberta who is looking to develop or revamp your bylaw officer training, Tip of Spear can help. We can develop custom training programs for your municipality's specific bylaws, to help onboard new staff and keep their critical risk assessment skills fresh. Contact us today to discuss options.