PPCT Threat Pattern Recognition
Instructor Certification & Recertification
Become an instructor in arrest and control tactics
Become a certified instructor of the Threat Pattern Recognition (also known as Pressure Point Control Tactics, or PPCT) course from Human Factor Science in order to teach law enforcement or security staff internally in your organization.
Instructor Certification & Recertification
This five day instructor certification course is open to current and experienced law enforcement and security individuals who want to complete their instructor certification so they can certify and recertify others in the basic program. This course covers the content in much more detail and explains how to teach the material to others. It includes a teach-back component and an exam.
For those who are already certified instructors, you will need to recertify in the three-day recertification instructor course every 3 years.
This instructor course has been developed by Human Factor Research Group PPCT and is recognized as one of the use of force programs that apply designed principles to support the officer in highly unpredictable situations while required to make stressful decisions under compressed time. This international program is the industry standard on use of force and control tactics and has been developed with decades of research in the law enforcement field.
This instructor course is delivered in partnership with Control Concepts Canada and Tip of Spear.

Register for Instructor Certification or Recertification

Instructor Certification
Duration: 40 hour course over five (5) days
Tuition: $900
Certification: Issued by HFRG, valid for 3 years. Recertification of this course is required every 3 years.
All participants who complete this course will be registered with the Government of Alberta as having completed the Canadian version of the use of force curriculum this will allow successful participants to teach the new accredited Canadian version of TPR PPCT basic course. Participants will be given a manual as part of this course.
Prerequisites to be emailed to Tip of Spear's office upon registration:
Proof of a current peace officer appointment, law enforcement, military, security license OR employed with AGLC qualified (ie. casino/bar)
Proof of current full 5 day PPCT baton certification (cannot be expired)
A copy of your resume to show proof of experience level may be requested.
Instructor Recertification
Duration: 32 hour course over three (3) days
Tuition: $800
Certification: Issued by HFRG, valid for 3 years. Recertification of this course is required every 3 years.
All participants who complete this course will be registered with the Government of Alberta as having completed the Canadian version of the use of force curriculum this will allow successful participants to teach the new accredited Canadian version of TPR PPCT basic course. Participants will be given a manual as part of this course.
Prerequisites to be emailed to Tip of Spear's office upon registration:
Proof of a current peace officer appointment, law enforcement, military, security license OR employed with AGLC qualified (ie. casino/bar)
Proof of instructor training in the past 36 months (3 years)
A copy of your resume to show proof of experience level may be requested.

Meet our TPR Master Instructor
Sean is an expert instructor in use of force and related law enforcement curriculum over the past 30 years. He worked as a correctional peace officer for several years before moving into an instructional role. He became the first Master use of force subject matter expert and defensive tactics trainer for law enforcement at the Staff College. He has worked as a training inspector, led the design and redesign of many of the peace officer programs in Alberta. Sean is the President of Control Concepts Canada, a company that delivers use of force training and designs curriculum for police, peace, security and military officers.

About Human Factor Science
Human Factor Science has been conducting cutting edge research and developing critical training for over 40 years, including high risk and precision human factors, using pressure points in defensive tactics, the correlation of threat pattern research to firearms and defensive tactics, and how survival stress impacts performance. This training has been delivered to hundreds of municipal, state and federal law enforcement agencies, intelligence and government special operations agencies, and many of the concepts are now widely incorporated in performance-based training many different military sectors. They are an international authority on these subjects and continue to develop research and training.

What to Expect & How to Prepare
Course Day-of Requirements:
Clean, INDOOR running shoes (no steel-toed boots)
Physical training clothing such as 5.11 Stryke pants, and t-shirt or polo shirt
Duty belt with baton, handcuffs, handcuff key, (flashlight, non-cut gloves)
Pen, notepad, highlighter
Water bottle, snacks, lunch (there is a kitchen available, or fast food nearby)
Suggested Preparation:
Being fit is beneficial. Working on your flexibility and strength ahead of time makes the training easier.